Friday, April 17, 2015

Everyone is a Critic...Even myself

For my critique I choose Government: For Us orAgainst Us, I’m not a gun owner but to have the idea of people around me either in the classroom or at work really has my attention. I liked from the start that she states that guns don’t have a mind of their own and go on these rampages that have happened in the past like the Columbine or the Sandy Hook shootings. As much as we depend on the police, there are times like these unplanned events that could be prevented if responsible individuals have a firearm with them. Another thing that I liked was that she included the bill that will allow for this to happen with a few exceptions like the holder being 21 and up, taking a class, and passing a background check. Studies did show when it came to these school shootings that the gun holders had some an accusation with a psychotic problem so having these background checks would defiantly be crucial. Now the only thing I don’t like about this idea is that now there is the potential of anywhere I go someone will have a firearm with them and that makes me uncomfortable only because I don’t know that stranger or what their motive could be. Recently I saw a video about an 18 year old trying to develop a safe gun were in able to fire it uses a fingerprint scanner so only the carrier can use it. This could prevent accidental deaths as well as mass shootings from happening which would persuade people that guns really don’t kill people, people kill people.  

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