Friday, May 15, 2015

Welcome to Violent America: Est 1776

          For my critic I choose Donkeys and Elephants. For the past few months it has been very rough to watch the news because of all of the racial tension between the police and minorities. That being said it’s no secret with what has been going on with the city of Baltimore. In Mr. Ybarra’s blog he mentions the riots that have been going in Baltimore and that its people are fed up of feeling unequal. He even links the Baltimore riots to the Los Angeles riot of 1992 were Rodney King was beaten by the police and was captured on camera. I find this link very interesting because now thinking about it a lot of people on that day of the Los Angeles riot were destroying a lot of property as well as looting many stores. I can even think of going all the back as 1773 of the Boston tea party. The people decided to disguise themselves as Indians so they could sneak into a British ship so they could throw out cargo of tea. They did this because they were tired of paying high taxes as well as being treated as second rate citizens. In a way when people want to get their point across they look towards what could get anyone’s attention and that is to cause some destruction. Mr. Ybarra continues to say that destroying where you live doesn’t resolve a thing as well as looting. With that I agree because at the end of the day the only way the city will be able to pay for the damages are through the people paying taxes. I do agree with Mr. Ybarra complaining that the news isn’t covering enough of the peaceful riots because if all you’re doing is showing the violence of the city then you make it seem that everyone is reacting the same way. Hopefully though we can wake up one day and acknowledge that we need each other and that racial discrimination can be a thing of the past.

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